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ACNEVIT anti-acne serum


30 ml


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In Stock
200.00 mdl

ACNEVIT anti-acne serum treats acne, prevents the formation of acne and lightens the color of acne marks to give the skin an even appearance.

There is no need to use a day cream, a night cream, a toner or a mask. Acnevit Serum eliminates all these tedious, expensive and multiple applications.

It is enough to apply only Acnevit Anti-Acne Serum, twice a day for the first ten days and then once a day to get a wonderful result.

Dermatologically tested / Oil-free / Non-comedogenic / Dye-free / Soap-free

ACNEVIT is not a medicine. It is an anti-acne complex rich in vitamin C with vitamins and selected botanical extracts.

ACNEVIT does not contain benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid, salicylic acid, antibiotics or hormones; they can cause dryness, irritation, burning and itching of the skin.

Special Features:

Shiny appearance of the skin

Face feels dirty and greasy

The presence of black points and white points

Acne marks, skin spots

Enlarged skin pores

Uneven skin tone

Undefined bumps under the skin

If you have one or more of these signs, ACNEVIT is ideal for you.

Treats acne

-Prevents the formation of acne

- Regulates sebum balance.
- Reduces shine and blackheads.
-Whitens red marks caused by acne.
- Evens out skin tone.
-Improves skin texture and clarity.

Use: Apply Acnevit Serum twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, to areas affected and susceptible to acne.

After the registration of the order, the buyer is given the information regarding the expected date of transmission of the order by the couriers / delivery service.

Delivery only in Chisinau is made within 72 hours of confirmation of the order by our operators. Delivery is made from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and is free for orders of at least 500 MDL, for orders with a lower value, the delivery is paid 50 MDL (which will be included in the total amount of the transaction/order).

For the customer to pick up the order physically, at the headquarters of our Chisinau office, str. Miron Costin 17/7 of.71. from 09:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday, except national holidays.

No deliveries are made on Weekends or National Holidays.

The delivery period may be extended in certain isolated situations (for example: unfavorable weather conditions, public holiday periods, unforeseen technical problems, etc.). We will notify you if we encounter one of the previously isolated situations.

You can choose any address for delivery – home, office or any other address, without additional payments. We only accept one delivery address per order. If you need to deliver the order to different addresses, please register different orders for each address.

Upon receiving the products, please check the integrity of the packaging, the presence of the tax receipt in the presence of the courier. Any subsequent claims regarding these matters will not be accepted.

The delivery conditions can be flexible depending on the climatic conditions, social, cultural, national holidays.

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